


Feeling overweight and ugly, Mohini Kumar couldn't bring herself to look in the mirror. Due to her constant self criticism, her confidence was at an all-time low. She found herself in a difficult position as her job demanded she be outgoing and meeting people went with the territory. She felt awkward about her body and would even make fun of herself, lest someone else beat her to it. We worked with her limiting beliefs and turned her self talk into motivators for more positive behavior. "I've lost at least 10 kgs and feel so much better about myself. I'm no longer hiding behind baggy clothes and am receiving so many compliments. And when I look in the mirror, I'm happy with what I see."


Rita Gaurav said she'd been carrying a feeling of dread inside her for over 12 years and strongly believed the trauma and associated guilt was the cause of her allergies and physical ailments. We didn't press for details but helped her identify where the feeling of dread stirred and the pattern it followed. Changing how her body reacted to the memory of the trauma, she was able to let go and move on. "Something changed for me that day. The churning and feeling that I just couldn't go on just disappeared. I realized I was carrying blame for something that wasn't even my fault. My bouts of allergies have almost completely stopped. Very freeing. Thank you!"


Aruna Bhatt, a driven entrepreneur, felt she was being pulled in all directions, rushing through her day with no time to spare for herself. Demands from her husband and young child compounded by those of her clients left her feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. Signs of burnout were evident and that's when she reached out to us. A couple of one-on-one NLP consults helped her KNOW what she wanted personally and professionally. We taught her the tools to slow things down and stay in the moment, enabling her to make the right choices for herself and those important people in her life. "My head is so much clearer now. I still work hard at my business and find I have even more clients than before. However, magically the day seems to have a couple of extra hours! I'm able to spend time with my daughter and my relationship with my husband is so much more relaxed. I'm able to ask for the help I want and am enjoying this new me."


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